۱۳۸۸ آبان ۲۱, پنجشنبه

من دوباره حس معلمیم گل کرده و می‌خوام چند تا اصطلاحه دیگه بنویسم:

- as old as the hills= ancient

- at first hand = from seeing or experiencing directly

- at peace with something = feeling calm and relax about something or yourself

در صلح بودن با کسی‌ یا چیزی

- at your best = showing the best positive characteristic
سعی‌ خود را کردن

- bare your soul = to express your secret thoughts, feelings,
سفره‌ دل را باز کردن

- be all smiles = very happy
نیشش تا بنا گوشش بازه، خیلی‌ خوشحال

- be yourself = to act in a manner that suits your personality
خودت باش

- beat the dead horse = to waste time to do something that will not succeed.
کار الکی‌ کردن

- beat someone up to =   criticize someone strongly
انتقاد شدید کردن، کسی‌ را کوباندن

- beats me = I don't know or understand (usually in answering the question)
خودم هم موندم، نمیدونم

- the beauty of something = a quality that makes something good, easy, or of value
خوبیش اینه که

- bend someone's ear = to talk with someone for a long time
مغز یکی‌  رو خوردن با پرحرفی

- bend the rules = to allow something to be done that is not usually allowed
زیر آبی‌ رفتن

- have the best of both worlds =  have the attractive features of the 2 
different things
خر و خرما  را با هم داشتن/خواستن

- choose between a rock and hard place or between the devil and deep blue sea = have 2 unpleasant choose only
بین بد و بدتر انتخاب کردن

- just between you and me = without telling to anyone else
بین خودمون ۲ تا

- bite your tongue = to stop yourself from speaking
زبانت را گاز بگیر (راجع بهش حرف نزن دیگه)


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